Training & Certification
To be able to compete in globalization era on suppying well competent personnel Pantowell runs the bussiness using proffessional system , to maintain the consistency of the training quality and improvement of the training instructor that will produce competence personnel.
Oil and Gas and industry in general become a focus, with high technical ability , supported by experienced instructor and administration staff Pantowell has a commitment and orientation of costomer satisfaction and quality training.
Training & Certification
- Well Testing
- Well Intervention ( Slickine and Cased Hole logging )
- Well Control ( Drilling and Well Intervention)
- Introduction to Drilling and Work Over
- Introduction to Petroleum engineering
- General Safety and Quality
- Safety and Quality for youth ( Kindergarten,elementary and mid to high school student)
Pantowell has the target to produce the competence , inovative, responsive and environtment safe personnel thru its training which meetng the industry standard and confirmed by required certification.
Pantowell also targetting the early safety and quality Education for Youth as their basic knowledge and future behaviour