Safety Specialist ,Technical Support and Maintenance Services
To support the client with shortage competence skilled personnel Pantowell developed their own team to work together in pojects, giving technical advise , write programs and help tender preparation which ready to be deployed as consultant to be stationed in clent office or in the field.
As well as Technical support , Pantowell provide Qualified Safety Specialist ( HSEQ ) for project basis or long term commitment , Provide Safety Inspection for new project or events , Provide any HSEQ material such as Safety Poster, Safety Sign and Safety Video
Pantowell believes on mutual benefit with the client by giving a serious personnel support , continues improvement and adapting to the client required system and standard
By supplying inovative, responsive , safety concious and environtment safe personnel developed by its own training confirmed by required certification will give an added value to the client to support their projects and meeting their objectives.
We have long list inventory of experiece personnel starting 5 to 30 years field experience in each field ready for you.
The Maintenance and Services team is newly developed to support the Industry on Maintaining their equipment and Facility to the top Standard using good ,qualified , trained and experienced Specialist.