
April 15, 2015
Well Testing

Well Testing

What do you know about Well Testing?

Well Testing is one of Method to test the well by Dynamic flow to get the reservoir Properties

The results will be more accurate compared to the production logging and sampling method, during Well Testing we could gather data about productivity, fluid properties, composition, flow, pressure, and temperature.

The Dynamic flow will tell accurately the Gas, Oil and water flowrate, Specific gravity , Basic Sediment and Water composition , CO2 and H2S content that will be used during designing the completion string and Production facilities

The combination of Surface testing and down hole measurement will be able to determine the well productivity that will be used to determine the reservoir size and well economic.

The DST Test could be done at individual zone or commingled, for the commingled test the PLT survey is recommended to quantify each zones and to prove reservoir potential, confirm well performance, and improve field productivity

The Well Testing will give more certain data and confirm the Open Hole Logging result.

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